
Never stop learning: Introducing our brand new series of standalone workshops

9 May 2021

Never stop learning: Introducing our brand new series of standalone workshops

Women in Football is delighted to be able to announce a brand new series of standalone workshops, running alongside our existing highly successful Leadership Course which is supported by Barclays.

We hope that these online, interactive workshops will help women and men across our industry to develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their football careers.

Our monthly programme, covering a range of topics carefully selected by WIF, is based on our vast experience of developing those working in football and making the landscape more diverse and inclusive. The series is self-contained and each workshop will last from two hours to a full day.

Our first two workshops tackle two critical issues for everyone working in football.

We all have a role to play in tackling racism in football, and the first workshop, led by Hayley Bennett, will help you to do exactly that. Then, we move on to a workshop led by Sule Kutlay Gandur on an equally important topic in these times: resilience, particularly in times of rapid change.         

Further details of these two workshops are set out below.       


Let’s Talk About Race, delivered by Hayley Bennett

Date: Thursday 27 May

Time: 10.30 – 12.30 pm

With the ongoing issues of racism in football, allyship is imperative to help influence change. This interactive virtual workshop will provide delegates with the opportunity to understand more about race, the impact of racism and help to build our collective awareness and confidence in talking about race, in order to have a positive impact.

Join us for an inspirational and educational session with Hayley Bennett and by the end of the course, participants will:

  • Understand key terminology relating to race, racism and anti-racism
  • Understand more about racial inequality and its impact on football, workplaces and society
  • Develop confidence in engaging in dialogue about race
  • Be able to have honest, constructive and respectful discussions about race.

Hayley Bennett is a multi-award-winning Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Consultant and campaigner. Hayley is well recognised as a thought leader in her field and has been featured in The Times, and The Washington Post.  Her passion for inclusion in sport led her to create Nutmegs, a football community for women of colour and non-binary people of colour. In 2020 she was named as one of the most influential Black people in football by the Football Blacklist.


Early bird £95 + VAT (if booked on or before 7 May)

Standard £115 + VAT (if booked after 7 May)

To book, please email


The Superpower of Resilience, delivered by Sule Kutlay Gandur

Date: Tuesday 8 June

Time: 10.00 – 12.00 pm

Covid 19 put a spotlight on “resilience”- surviving and growing through change.  How do I cope in crisis?  How do I confront reality, yet feel hope?  How can I be curious and courageous with change? 

In this interactive online webinar, leadership coach & consultant, Sule Kutlay Gandur will answer these questions:

  • What is/is not resilience?
  • Is resilience science or fiction?
  • Is resilience in our nature or in nurture?
  • What is your resilience level at the moment?
  • What makes a resilient person versus a resilient leader?
  • How can you increase resilience at home & work?
  • What “meaning” do you make of all this?

An introduction to resilience, including a personal resilience assessment poll, and a breakout discussion with a resilience toolkit to reframe crisis.

Sule Kutlay Gandur is a leadership coach, strategic consultant, and international keynote speaker.  She has 25+ years of experience in business strategy, organisational management, and leadership development.  Sule consults for innovative, insightful strategic vision, and coaches for agile, proactive leadership.  Sule is a graduate of Columbia University’s master’s level coaching program, a certified Gestalt coach, and an NBI (Neethling Brain Institute) and RAW (Resilience at Work) practitioner.  She has been a speaker for platforms like TEDx Berlin and YPO Global Leadership Conference.  She is an active member of the Young Presidents Organisation (YPO), EMCC (European Mentoring & Coaching Council, IOC Harvard (Institute of Coaching at Mc Lean Hospital Harvard University), and Columbia University Teacher’s College Learning Institute.


Early bird £95 + VAT (if booked on or before 14 May)

Standard £115 + VAT (if booked after 14 May)

To book, please email

Further workshops will take place monthly and details for forthcoming sessions will be announced shortly.

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