
Julie Welch heads list of authors for anthology of women’s football writing

10 March 2021

Julie Welch heads list of authors for anthology of women’s football writing

Julie Welch, the doyenne of female football writers, has agreed to contribute to a new anthology of women’s football writing being published by Floodlit Dreams in conjunction with Women in Football.

Julie began her football writing career with The Observer in 1973 and also became a noted screen writer – telling of her experiences as a football fan and journalist in Those Glory Glory Days - as well as an author. Her latest book, The Fleet Street Girls, was published last year.

“We are delighted that Julie immediately wanted to be part of this project when I approached her,” said Floodlit Dreams founder Ian Ridley.

“No collection of women’s football writing would really be complete without her. She has been a towering figure in the field for so long.”

The book will comprise 20 pieces from female writers, with 10 being commissioned from established names and the other 10 via invited submissions from new writers. Publication will be in the Autumn of 2021.

 “The full list of the 10 commissioned writers is just being finalised and will be announced this time next week,” added Ian. “So far we have a great and diverse blend of writers on the team, from youth to experience, and they be will be covering some fascinating people and issues in both the men’s and women’s game.

“We are still looking for submissions from new writers. We have had some excellent ones already but there is still room and time for more who would like to try and be part of this.

“I would urge women to give it a go and now is the time to take action with the deadline in three weeks. We really want to see more female football writers being published and I hope this book is going to be a prestigious production that will make a big impact.”

Submissions are open for United Kingdom-based writers only until March 30, 2021 and should be between 3,000 and 5,000 words.

They can be on any subject, across both women’s and men’s football, and should be emailed to Ideally, submissions should be in Times New Roman 12pt type, with 1.5 line spacing.

Those submitting must be members of WiF and if not already, can join on the link here.

An editorial panel drawn from Floodlit Dreams and WiF will select the 10 successful pieces. There will be a fee of £400 for each chosen piece.

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