14 November 2020
The nights are drawing in, winter is on the way but thanks to our friends at Sock Council, we can help brighten up your day!
Following the success of its original launch, Sock Council has brought out a limited edition line of Suffragette Socks in a new form, to commemorate the achievement of electoral equality in 1918 - and will donate part of the profit from each pair of socks sold to Women in Football.
The socks, which are made in the UK from cottom and nylon, are priced at £12 and available in two sizes:
Small – UK 3 to 7
Large – UK 8 to 11
So whether you are looking for some toe-warmers of your own or a present for a family member/friend, check them out.
Visit the Sock Council's website here to buy and for their full range of socks.
And if you want to find out more about the campaign of the Suffragettes and other Suffrage campaigners, please click on the link here.
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