
Danielle Carter talks everything from Bashment to Brexit in our special Q&A

8 March 2019

Danielle Carter talks everything from Bashment to Brexit in our special Q&A

Danielle Carter - answers your questions in our special Q&A

Arsenal and England stiker Danielle Carter took time out from her busy schedule to answer your questions in Women in Football's special Q&A on Twitter ahead of International Women's Day.

There was certainly a wide range of topics covered - and Danielle didn't hold back as she discusses everything from Bashment to Bob Marley to Brexit!

Q: Emma via email - Who is going to win the World Cup this summer?

A: 100% backing the girls! So England. The results at the recent She Believes Cup will fill the team with confidence and an even bigger point to prove in the summer.

Q: Lou via email - Which player did you idolise as a young girl?

A: Growing up it was Rachel Yankey. Worth noting that I admired @chapmans17 for having kids whilst playing football and seeing her train with us at Arsenal whilst pregnant was inspiring to me too.

Q: Lateshya via email - What is your pre-match routine?

A: Night before a game I’ll have spaghetti bolognaise and garlic bread. Morning of a game would be some toast, scrambled egg and avocado or beans. On the way to the game I’ll listen to my music, get in the zone and generally keep myself to myself until we reach the ground. Subconscious (but consciously) I tend to put my left shin pads, sock and boot on first and then right side.

Q: Adebowale via email: How is your rehabilitation going?

A: Rehab is going as well as it can be (to date). Been a very testing time but I’m hoping to be back soon, helping Arsenal in the last few games of the season.

Q: Afra via email - How do you relax after a game?

A: Adrenaline will still be high post game and I generally struggle to sleep after games, especially night games! But spending time with family and friends help to take my mind off the game and prepare for the next one. 

Q: Kev via email - What obstacles did you face playing football as a young girl?

A: Fortunately for me not many obstacles. My primary school allowed me to play in the boys’ team.

I was also fortunate to have a local team (Leyton Orient) which is where I played my youth football before moving to Arsenal and a supportive mum who encouraged me to play.

Q: Eden via email - Can you explain the Spork please? #SporkLife

A; Looool! The spork was somehow on the field and when we finished training we were the “winning team” so took a photo. Someone handed me this spork and the rest is history!

Q: Ashanti via email - What advice would you give to any young girl wanting to be a pro player?

A: To be a professional player you have to put the work in. Nothing worthwhile comes easy so put it in when no one is watching.

Q: Magda via email - What music do you listen to?

A: My playlist is very diverse. Ranging from Bob Marley to J.Cole.  But my favourite genres are Reggae and Bashment/Dancehall.

Q: Carolyn via email - Brexit or no Brexit?

A: No Brexit.

Q: Jenny via email - What do you think about low carbing?

A: Depends on the individuals needs and desires. For me Carbs are essential so it’s important to find the right balance for your everyday activities.

Q: Tony via email – Best and worst holiday destination?

A: Best and without doubt (and bias): Barbados. Worst: hmm not sure, I’m very meticulous with my holiday destinations

Q: Rosie via email – Does sport, & football in particular, have a responsibility to help educate children about healthy diets?

A: Most definitely. Diet as an athlete is just as important as the training. The diet aids performance so yes, it’s vital for teams to educate children from young so they can continue in their older years.

Q: Ola via email - What car do you drive?

A: I’ve been converted to Mercedes, I love a Merc lol.

Q: @daveywaveywoos via @Twitter - I would love to know your thoughts on the girls RTC's. Do you think they are a good idea, or would a more complete girls academy system be better?

A: RTCs. The new structure is interesting and there are both pros and cons for girls playing against boys up until a certain age.

I loved playing with the boys (as I was generally better than most of them!). It can help boys and even parents realise that “girls can play too” and thus change their aged judgements/mindsets.

Growing up I played in the Centre of Excellence format with just girls’ teams in the league and loved it equally.

Q: @fayefaye via @Twitter  - What’s motivated you the most during you injury?

A: Unfortunately and fortunately I’ve had a core group of injured players with me along the way throughout my rehab. They have undoubtedly helped me through some dark days in the gym.

I’m not sure how I would’ve coped without them (they know who they are lol)

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