
Celebrate good times - Women in Football mark 10th anniversary at the House of Lords

4 October 2017

Celebrate good times - Women in Football mark 10th anniversary at the House of Lords

Left to right: Janie Frampton, Ebru Köksal, Jacqu Oatley MBE, Anna Kessel MBE, Dame Heather Rabbatts, Dr Eva Carneiro, Jo Tongue, Liz Ellen, Vikki Orvice and Lucy Oliver ©WomeninFootball

Women in Football celebrated a decade of supporting, challenging and inspiring women working in football with a 10th anniversary launch at the House of Lords on Wednesday 4 October.

Around 150 key influencers from across the football industry attended the event, which was hosted by Lord Faulkner of Worcester and held in the stunning location of the terrace bar overlooking the River Thames.

Not only was this a celebration of positive changes seen in the past decade, but also an opportunity to acknowledge the huge input of women across the industry.

As the guests arrived, a string quartet fittingly playd the 'Match of The Day' theme, setting the tone for an enjoyable evening full of fun, laughter and great stories. However, there was a serious message throughout, that Women in Football remain focused on continuing to support, empower and inspire females in the industry and create a positive change.

Lord Faulkner kicked off proceedings with a warm welcome before WiF chair Anna Kessel gave an impassioned speech to an attentive audience.

Jacqui Oatley then introduced a special panel of Dr Eva Carneiro, Lucy Oliver and Ebru Köksal. The trio shared the strength, hope and experiences of their careers in football with great honesty, integrity and warmth, and also paid tribute to WiF as an organisation.

Eva said:"Women in Football is refreshingly disinterested in politically correct statements or self-serving agendas. It is uncompromisingly committed to learning about, supporting and transforming the experience of women that work in the sport we all love. 

“So on your 10th anniversary, Women In Football I respect, I admire and I salute you!”

The awe-inspiring Elizabeth Nyamayaro, UN Director of the HeForShe campaign, made a special Atlantic crossing for the event.

Elizabeth flew over from New York and spoke with passionately about the "magic of sport" and also the importance of empowering women.

Jacqui thanked everyone who came along and played their part in making it such a memorable evening, plus event sponsors Barclays, leaving the guests plenty of time to chat, share stories, renew old acquaintances and make new ones.

It truly was a night to remember!

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